Parish Staff
Pastoral Staff
Pastoral Staff: (315) 469-6995
Fr Michael Galuppi
Pastor: Ext. #105
Deacon Mathew Lumia, Ext. #131
Erma Dixe and Anne Christopher, Secretary Ext 101
Susan Mc Mullen Bookkeeper: Ext. #102
Stephanie Stewart, Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator: Ext. #104
Bonnie Barker, Faith Formation Director: Ext #103
Tom Andino, Music Director, (315) 468-9761
Margaret Whipple, Maintenance- (315) 415-0814
Fr Michael Galuppi, Pastor
Ministries and Organizations
Adoration (Tuesday) - Mary Beth Elia (315) 440-6800
Altar Rosary -Anne DeLand (315) 751-5278
Altar Care - Anne DeLand (315) 488-8363
Altar Servers - Bonnie Barker – 315-469-6995 Ext. 103
Altar Servers for Funerals (315) 469-6995 x 101
Baptism Preparation - Dc.Mathew Lumia (315) 469-.6995 x 131
Bethany Guild - June McLaughlin
(315) 673-4400
Mary Lou Michalec
(315) 673-3129
Brady Faith Center Meal -
Theresa Malvasi (315) 469-2706
Building & Grounds - Brad Blair
(315) 436-2666
Eucharist Minister - Bill Foley
(315) 468-1415
Finance Committee -
Ron Case (315) 345-6512
Haiti Twinning Program - Haiti Medical Mission
Kate McMahon (315) 214-1569.
Home Visitation - Dave Kelly
(315) 491-5715
Knights of Columbus -
Jim Miller (315) 247-2127
Lector - Joseph Stainstreet
Liturgy - Tom Andino (315) 468-9761
Marriage Preparation – Fr. Galuppi 315-469-6995 Ext. 105
Music Ministry - Tom Andino (315) 468-9761
Office Help – Erma Dixe & Anne Christopher – 315-469-6995 Ext. 101
Parish Office of Youth Ministry - Bonnie Barker (315) 469-6995 x 103
Youth Liturgy
Teen Ministry, Summer Bible Study -Office of Youth Ministry - Stephanie Stewart (315) 469-6995 x 104 -
Parish Picnic Bill and Jane Foley-(315) 4681-415
Pastoral Council - Tom Abbamont (315) 492-6658
Respect For Life - Kristen Popov (315) 673-4059
RCIA – Bonnie Barker – 315-469-6995 Ext. 103
Rummage Sale -Anne Deland (315) 751-5278
Transportation - CALL Office-(315) 469-6995 Ext 101
Janet Miller 3 15-247-1253
Michael Paparo – 315-469-4526
Usher/Greeter - Debbie and Andy Butler (315) 469-8415
Linda Hammerle:
Wish Tree Helper - Valerie McGann – 803-981-2392